Monday, March 7, 2016


Today marks one year since we adopted Buckeye and Gator Bait. They were going to be euthanized the next day if not adopted and it broke my heart. 

Thousands of healthy dogs are killed every year due to a lack of space in shelters. So, I'm just taking this moment to ask: rescue a dog if you have the opportunity or ability. It will positively change your life forever. 

So how does this pertain to selling on eBay? As an ebay seller and disabled woman, I spend a lot of time at home. In August 2014, my best friend DISNEY passed away from Cancer. Here is DISNEY: 

We were extraordinarily close due to all my health issues and our life experiences. Initially after she died, I went into ebay overdrive. I bought, bought, bought and listed, listed, listed. I threw myself into learning everything I could about clothing brands and fashion trends. It was all a distraction from the pain of losing my best friend. When the shock wore off and I felt alone for the first time in my life; the distraction wasn't helpful anymore and my ebay work fell off a cliff. Last January and February were my worst months ever selling on eBay. I was hurting and didn't have it in me to buy or sell. 

On March 6, 2015, a friend I coached basketball with in Tampa shared a post on Facebook about a dog in the shelter there. Here is the picture: 

If she wasn't adopted the next day, she was going to be euthanized. It broke my heart! Her eyes looked so sad. I sobbed so loud that Courtney woke up and thought I had something wrong with me. Courtney said: we will save her tomorrow. Then, we looked at other pictures of the dogs who were being euthanized the day....I know it sounds like torture! One dog reminded me of DISNEY. They don't look that much alike but I just had a feeling. I'm not a religious person, still I feel like DISNEY sent them to me. Here is the other picture we saw: 

In our neighborhood we are only allowed one dog but we wanted to save both dogs. We didn't know if we could keep them both; yet we were going to save them both. Luckily (I guess), Courtney and I both have serious medical issues and we registered the dogs as service dogs; thus allowing us to keep them both. 

The point is: my ebay sales climbed to new heights after adopting Buckeye and Gator Bait. They made me happy and I wanted to work again. I wanted to better their lives and my life. Just keep in mind: your ebay success depends on more than just prices, finds and descriptions. Your happiness and overall attitude are huge factors. Find your happiness and your sales can soar. Thank you for reading this long post. 

Here are a few items I sold this weekend: 

   J. Brand Bootcut Black Jeans Size 27

        Cost: $4.80          Sold: $25.99

                    Fendi Silk Tie 
        Cost: 80 cents          Sold: $8.99

I thought this tie would sell for more. I didn't take the greatest pictures. At least I made a profit and got to cross an expensive brand off my list. 

         Scottvest Travel Jacket/Vest 

          Cost: $8.00          Sold: $26.00

This jacket would've sold for around $60 if it didn't have a huge rip in the back. Courtney sewed it up but it was still obvious. I didn't notice the rip when I paid $8.00 for it. It was in an odd spot. Not sure if I would've bought it but probably not. This is the only Scottvest travel jacket, I've found. If you find one: BUY IT! 

      Chris Bosh YM Miami Heat Jersey

          Cost: $1.00          Sold: $9.99 

I found this jersey at an estate sale. Definitely need to start visiting more estate sales. This wasn't a huge sale but was worth the $1 risk. 


  1. Great going on the rescue dogs. They are so the ear on (second pic)Gator Bait? I think. I haven't rescued a dog but we have rescued 3 cats over the years. Each one as sweet as can be and a wonderful companion.

  2. Great story! Beautifully told. I think you should consider doing some freelance writing. I love your blog and always find your posts very inspirational. Keep on doing what you do!
    Thank you,

  3. Beautiful, beautiful story. I believe everything happens for a reason and I also believe God knows what we need, more than we do (or think we do!). It was no coincidence that you came across your dogs when you did.

    Your "rescue" sounds like it was just as much of a save for you, as for those sweet pups. I lost my rescue girl in 2014 - shattered my heart. I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go through that again, but the sweet faces on this page melt my heart. :)

  4. What a bittersweet story! Dogs are just amazing, incredible creatures. All of us could go on and on about our precious babies. Ever since I was a little girl (long ago!) I've always wanted a red fluffy Pomeranian puppy. My second favorite would be a Papillon - love those perky butterfly ears. But I just can't bring myself to buy either because there are too many dogs in shelters that desperately need a home; the Pom and Pap will have no problem finding a home.

    Sweden (Samoyed) died years ago but I think about her every day. Today I'm blessed with Lishu (Chow/Keeshond). She went blind a year after we adopted her. But she gets around fabulously - I've observed her use her "mane" as a type of radar to feel her way around - incredible. It took us five years for us to get to the emotional place to adopt Lishu but we are so glad we did. She has blessed us every day for the last six years.

    I'm so glad Buckeye and Gator Bait were instrumental in giving you a new lease on life. I don't use the term 'amazing' lightly - but dogs just are.

    And thanks again for writing about your journey, both professionally (eBay) and personally.
