Saturday, September 19, 2015

Evaluating your Inventory

I'm ready to thrift shop again, after taking somewhat of a break. Before diving head first into thrifting, I want to evaluate my current inventory. Here are some of my numbers: 

Number of items listed: 185 
(I only have a couple items left to list) 

Of the items listed: 

40 jackets/sweaters 
36 pairs of jeans 
10 pairs of shoes 
37 other items such as toys and vinyl records 

Number of items in store listed before May: 24 
Number of items in store listed after May: 161 
Number of unsold items since May: 16 
(Those with a lack of interest I ended early and donated for a friend's yard sale) 

The most common brands in my store are: 

1. LL Bean: $18.00 per item avg 

2. Harley-Davidson: $16.80 per item avg

3. Pendleton: $9.50 per item avg 

4. Nike: $16.50 per item avg 

5. Tommy Bahama: $9.75 per item avg 

Looking at the numbers and my store I learned: 

1. My selection is VERY diverse with LL Bean's six items being the highest number. 
2. It's good to buy items you are interested in. I love jeans, jackets, shoes and toys when shopping for myself. My ebay store is packed with those items. Weather we realize it or not, we buy items to flip that we are personally interested in. 
3. It's time to start shopping for the holiday rush! 

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